Things were pretty, ah, hectic, at the end of school and I didn't get around to finishing up the blogging for the year. Seeing as we don't have internet connection at our house in Cherryfield, I've been unable to upload all the fantastic end-of-year activities. We're out here on Frenchboro for the day, taking advantage of the new double ferry on Wednesday, to do a little schoolwork and prep for next year. Shall I start with finishing up for LAST year?!
One of the great things the kids did at the end of the year was host a tea party. This was the brain child of Jessica, our ceramics instructor. She's finishing up her island fellowship this year (sniff, sniff...sigh) and wanted to have a culminating event that showcased all the kids had been working on for the past two years. She set her heart on a formal tea party, fancy dress and all.

It just so happened that it was an all-boy tea party, due to some absences, so Mr. Finn broke out the big guns and filtered through his tie collection for the kids. There was some serious tucking of tie tails into pants, but these boys were rockin' the sophisticated look.

The parents and community members also dressed up and were good sports about affecting a certain 'air' as they sipped their tea from handmade cups. There were lots of teas and special treats like cucumber sandwiches and spanakopita that Jessica had concocted for everyone to enjoy.

On one side of the school people could gather to sample the teas and goodies, and on the other side was a showcase of student ceramic work they had completed over the past two years.

Myron all spiffed up with a tie that had little green turtles on it that just so happened to match his shirt. Lovely.

Check this guy out. Love the specs and chili pepper tie.

Jessica posing with the boys. I told them, "Pinkies up!" for this shot. They are such good sports!

And here with our two graduates! We'll be missing these three next year.

Over at the art show, there were some discussions happening about the year...

...and the students could answer questions about their pieces.

It was a fantastic event, thanks to all the work of the students, Jessica, and of course everyone who showed up to enjoy the day.

Ready for their opening in New York City, I think.

Well, maybe not quite yet.

This is my favorite. When told to act like models and strike a pose. Love, love, love it!