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Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Movie Night: Up

We often have movie night at Frenchboro school. Our town is small, only about 40 people in the winter. There aren't any stores or restaurants and though that has its charm, it sometimes means that there just isn't much to do. It's nice to get out and socialize, play games, watch movies, sometimes share food with a potluck. So, when I was last off-island, I saw that Up had been released on video. I always have my eyes out for good 'new releases' that the kids haven't yet seen, so this was a particularly good score since no one had seen it yet. Mr. Finn got out the projector and pulled down the big screen for a bigger viewing. The movie makes me laugh and cry, a Pixar specialty, it seems. We drag out the yoga mats and the kids take the floor while we decrepid adults use the comfy rocking chairs. A good way to cap our Thanksgiving holidays.

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