Let me start by saying that I am way behind and that this event took place, ahhhh, on May 4th. Sue me, it's the end of the year and I'm just glad that my head is still attached to my neck. This coffee shop was one of our culminating activities for the STORMS program that we've been involved in for a better part of this school year. One of the essential questions we asked was how weather affected Frenchboro, more specifically, how it affects the lobstering industry. Who better to ask than our lobstermen? We gave them some 'homework' to do for the month of April. They had a chart and had to keep track of if it was a good fishing day (regardless of whether or not they went out) or bad day. Then we invited them in for a coffee shop, after checking the weather for the worst day that week...hoping to not interfere with good fishing days. Mr. Finn baked up a storm and we offered cookiebrownies (really, there is such a thing. a lovely thing, I might add), coffeecake and cookies as well as about three gallons of coffee. The turnout was a little sparse, which left us with loads of caffeine and sugar, but we were grateful to the four fishermen who took the time to listen to the kids present their data and answer all their questions regarding weather and its effect on fishing.
They were really good sports, these guys. Jay, Zach, Mikey, and Nate had a lot of good information to offer up about their years of fishing on Frenchboro.
They also listened attentively as the kids shared the massive amount of data they had been collecting since January.
Jayde was not particularly riveted by the whole experience, but she perked up after some coffee. Kidding. Cocoa for the kids.
Thanks again to the fishermen dads and to the kids for being such a professional panel of presenters/interviewers.
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