We always try to do at least two major school and community service projects per year. This year we're renovating the downstairs bathroom which is a nasty eyesore into a more pleasing and beautiful space. Already the kids put down and grouted tile for the floor during Math class. Now it's time to tackle the walls. When we're done, it's going to seem like you're actually IN the ocean as you sit and do your business in there. Awesome! It's also a way for the kids to make a lasting impression on their school, just like they felt when they built the new playground. This year's community project is to build new picnic tables for Eastern Beach. We've already contacted our Maine Coast Heritage Trust steward, Terry Towne, for the okay, and he said we can have a burn of the old decrepit tables down at the beach, so that will be an excellent incentive (toasted marshmallows, anyone??)

Since the bathroom is tiny, we can only have a few kids down there at a time, so the rest of us did another art project upstairs, a rare treat on a Monday. With the success of the Koi painting, I adapted the Art Projects For Kids lesson to work with warm and cool colors, three dimensional layering and drawing more sea creatures, this time star fish.

These two, Jayde and Tyler have opposing styles and they sit right next to each other, so I always love coming over to see what they're up to. Jayde always has the lightest, most delicate of colors, while Tyler uses the least amount of water possible to still call it water color. Both beautiful and expressive. The best feeling in the world is to see kids just being comfortable with who they are, not feeling like they have to make theirs look like anyone else's picture. It's a little like handwriting, how you can tell which piece belongs to which student.

I thought the finished products were stunning!

More art for our school walls, for sure.

Wow what a nice post.i am impressed from this post.
ReplyDeleteThanks for more sharing.....
Private School Miami