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Monday, March 19, 2012

Swimming at the Y

Nothing about getting off island for a field trip is ever easy, but we're lucky enough to have the Sunbeam, the Maine Seacoast Mission boat once in a while for transportation. We took the state ferry off island in the morning and the Sunbeam brought us back in the afternoon, since we only have one ferry ride three days per week. We wanted to go to the Y for swimming and basketball, so it was worth all the effort, even the rocky ferry ride off island. They kids were whooping it up as the big waves rocked the boat. Not everyone was as excited.

These may very well be the worst pictures I've ever posted, but these happen to be the two best out of the bunch. And for some reason, probably because I was reffing, I didn't take basketball photos.The Sunbeam is awesome because not only is there often wonderful treats to partake of, there are also toys! The state ferry doesn't have refreshments, or toys, that's for sure! Thanks to Storey and Mike for picking us up at the bait house and bringing us home!

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