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Saturday, January 9, 2010


Since we only have three ferries a week in the winter, it's difficult for our guidance counselor, Ursula to visit, so she set up times to check in with the kids over Polycom. She goes to the high school and uses their system to connect to us. She did a talk on bullying, showed some videos and the kids did research on their own laptops then shared out what they discovered. Did you know that up to 25% of school students report being bullied with frequency? And that as many as 160,000 students may skip school on any given day because they're being bullied? Most schools have a zero tolerance policy for physical violence, but often verbal bullying is left to run rampant. Our kids talked about ways to avoid being bullied, to identify instances when they themselves might have bullied and statistics about the long term repercussions for people who have been bullied as well as the bullies themselves. Thanks to Ursula for sharing her expertise and being willing to work around our strange ferry schedule!

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