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Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Ceramics Class #1

Our island fellow, Jessica, was talking with us the other day and it came up that she's a bigtime ceramics person, having studied and worked with clay for years. She offered to teach a ceramics unit to the kids, once a week for a couple hours. We jumped at the chance. There are so many people on this island with special talents that we love to have 'guest' teachers who really want to share their skills with the kids. And a hands-on unit with clay? Count us in!

Here is the K-2 table. Cadin wondering if the mess is going to come off, Jayde working away at her clay, trying to wedge it the way Jessica taught her. But....relatively CLEAN.

Then there's this table. Older and wiser? I don't think so! I'm surprised they weren't rolling their clay balls in their faces. Maybe I shouldn't write might give them ideas.
We worked on wedging the clay and then cut it into four pieces to make sure it was free from air pockets, and to get it into a more manageable size. From there, we worked them into balls and began our pinch pots. Here's Bradley beginning his pot.
Jessica walked around, offering some one-on-one assistance. Here she is with Johnny, showing him how to start his pot.
Molly quickly got the hang of it and began making pot after pot. I think everyone enjoyed how the clay felt in their hands and just playing with the pieces was a lot of fun.
I want to say these are Saylor or Brody's hands, but I can't remember. Parents, do you recognize these hands? But that aside, look at this beautiful pot! Holy cow, it's perfect. It's easy to see the correct technique is being applied, with great results.
Here's Teressa, getting some advice from Jessica about the walls of her pot. Each student chose a pot to be cut in half. The makings of a good pot is very even walls, so when the pots were cut, the walls could be examined.
Myron with his finished pots. Each student got to keep one pot and I think the one in Myron's right hand was his first choice. The pots are drying and may possibly be fired. We're looking forward to our next lesson!

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