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Monday, May 23, 2011

Baby CPR

The last order of the day was CPR on a year and younger. A lot of fun to be had with these little dolls. We tried to stay on task.
Again, everyone could follow along with the video to make sure their pace was correct.

We also practiced the dislodging of a choking hazard on a baby. Flipping the baby from arm to arm proved more difficult than you might think. Cody was a pro. Helps to have three younger siblings.
Soooo, there was a little banging of baby heads on desks. They may be concussed, but they aren't choking any more!

Thanks so much to Sonja for coming out and spending a whole day with us at Frenhboro School! What a great opportunity and such important information for everyone. We're ready to save lives over here!!!

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