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Friday, September 24, 2010

Monhegan, Here We Come

This was the amphibious vehicle that ferried us to Monhegan. I wish.
Austin and Cadin sitting on the gargantuan bag that Nate packed. Doug said he thought that Tyler was hiding in there. He certainly could have. And Kohl, too!
Here's the dock at Port Clyde. Looks pretty tame, doesn't it? Little did we know what adventure awaited us. The seas were...ahem...rather large. Surging. Sending our Elizabeth Ann ferry up and down with childlike abandon.

Note the lack of pictures. That's because everyone was puking over the side. It just didn't seem fair to take photos. Nearly everyone was at the back of the boat, "getting air." Yeah. Air. That really helped. Everyone was a pasty color and I was shocked that several of our kids managed to hold in the cookies, muffins, hot cocoa... 'Nough said.

Then there was the disembarking. Monhegan doesn't have a protected harbor, and even with a protected harbor, sometimes getting off any boat in rough seas is an adventure. After using every rope on the ship to keep the ferry as stable as possible, we were told to leave everything so that our hands were free. Hmmm. Basically we were thrown off the boat. It was eventful.

1 comment:

  1. So then, sounds like the 'ride' on the high seas was a tad rough but tell me, how could anyone possibly hold in all that food?? Ha. Seriously, well done everyone and once again, I enjoyed reading all about your venture.
