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Thursday, September 2, 2010

Things to Look Forward To! everyone ready for school to start? I know I am! As Hurricane Earl is bearing down on us, I find myself holed up in the schoolhouse, getting everything ready for September 7th. It's nice having a four-day week to start the school year as it's a little easier on us who are not used to waking up early. Not me, I've been up since 5, which is why I'm going home to promptly take a nap in a few minutes.

Some dates to remember:

September 7: First Day of School (bring the cameras, ladies)

September 22-23: InterIsland Event in Monhegan

October 1: NECAP testing window begins

October 11: No school, Columbus Day

I've been seeing some of the kids around town and yesterday ran into Johnny, who hid behind the door. When I finally coerced him to come over (using cookies) I asked what was up with him not talking my ear off and why was he acting all shy. "You know, sometimes Ms. Finn...sometimes I get nervous." I told him he finished his summer reading, so he had nothing to be nervous about!

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